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Star Wars Rebels S3 "Visions and Voices" Review

This episode was just so nice, I had to watch it twice. I was quite impressed with the episode and it helped that I'd had a marathon of some Clone Wars episodes on Dathomir. I'd suspected the setting would be there since in the trailer they showed some of that Nightsister Magic. Coincidentally, Ezra and Maul ended up on Dathomir.

Once on Dathomir we see a desolate setting, Maul explains that all the Nightsisters are all gone. If you've seen Clone Wars you'll know that they were wiped out after Dooku commanded Grievous to lead his droids there and massacre them for betraying him with Savage Oppress.

We get to see Maul's room of souvenirs from throughout his time. Some of the ones I caught were the Mandalorian helmets from his time ruling them, a portrait of Duchess Satine(who he killed in S5), letters in the room which translated to Kenobi(Thank you Alex @starwarsexplained ), and the Darksaber which he acquired from Pre Visla after a duel. It seems that Maul must know something about Sabine as he told Ezra she would be able to tell him more about the Saber. The altar in the cave is the same one they used for Savage, Ventress and the crazed Maul all in the CW era. Alongside the witches ghosts, I enjoyed all the nods to Clone Wars and I'm glad they're not holding back. It was also intriguing to see Maul quite frustrated that his "apprentice" Ezra wouldn't follow him after they used the magic to get the answers about the Holocrons. Of course leading back to the two Suns. When Maul said that it finishes where it started that's a nice call back to his days in "Phantom Menace" where he tracked the Jedi.

The episode ended with everything pointing towards Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Sabine picking up the Darksaber. Some are saying she could be Kenobi's daughter. It's possible given the fact he did have a relationship with Duchess Satine and Sabine is related to her in some way. If this is true, she could be REY'S MOTHER. I don't know though. Stay tuned for some more Star Wars themed content this week! Rogue One is just around the corner! #starwars #starwarsday #rogueone #starwarstheforceawakens # #starwarsrebels #vader #darthmaul 

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